Lua API global Variable Viewer (gvv)

by Ritn

This is a debugging tool. This mod adds commands /gvv and others and a hotkey(Ctrl+Shift+V) to allow you to check _G and global table of map or each mods. Only admins can use command if it is multiplay game. You have to input some code for temporary accessibility or have to edit "control.lua" of other mod or map to access global table of the mod or map. See "Helper" tab for instructions.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

b [0.5.4 fixes] Table expected, got userdata

2 months ago

Hi! The update to Factorio 2.0 brought about a significant change: type(LuaObject) is now "userdata" instead of "table". This breaks most of the buttons in the "LuaObject" tab (button for "defines" still works because defines still is a table):

__gvv__/modules/luaobj_prop.lua:19: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got userdata)

It would be great if you could look into this! :-)

2 months ago

Hi !
Yes, it is in my priorities for this mod.

a month ago
a month ago

Thank you, I just saw that. I'll take a look this afternoon. You used the solution I had in mind, but you were faster at coding it. Thanks for the contribution, in any case.

a month ago

0.5.4 is pushed and fixes the problem. Thanks again Thaui ;)

a month ago

Thanks a lot to both of you! I depend on this mod a lot for my own modding, and I really appreciate that I can inspect objects again.

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