GUI Manager

by unhott

Manage GUIs added by mods

1 year, 5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Translation

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi again !

I am translating some mods for the French community patch.
I'd love to do this one because personally I'd have a hard time playing without it !

It's not a lot of text for sure ^^ But I suppose it is still hard to navigate for an anglophobe.
Sadly I'm stuck as most of it isn't accessible to me via the local file.
I looked online but I didn't find if anything can be done from my side.

I've learn about costom-names ; Would it be tedious to make ? Or is there another way ?
( And if you're fine with the translation being made, of course ^^ )

Thanks !

3 years ago

I’m absolutely all for the idea of translating this mod. I would have to put in some work to be able to get it that way. I think it’s just a matter of refactoring the labels with locale keys. I’ll try and put some time into it soon.

New response