Bluebuild rewritten

by gheift

Allows automatic blueprint building and deconstruction without bots. Once a blueprint is placed, nearby entities will be auto-placed as long as you have the objects in your inventory and are standing still. Once items are marked for deconstruction, they will be auto-removed and put into your inventory as long as you are standing still. Deconstruction speed is based on the mining time and the currently used tool. Press SHIFT+K to toggle building, press SHIFT+L to toggle deconstruction.

6 years ago

g When I deconstruct Chemical plant, I get assertion failed.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Factorio ver: 0.15.5
Mod ver: 0.1.3

When I deconstruct Chemical plant, I get assertion like this:

Error while running event ght-bluebuild::on_tick (ID 0)
ght-bluebuild/control.lua:169: other item type not supported

After fixing a few lines in control.lua, the error is gone.

--- control.lua 2017-05-19 00:13:32.000000000 +0900
+++ 2017-05-27 23:05:45.838332600 +0900
@@ -163,10 +163,10 @@
total[#total + 1] = item
- elseif item.type == fluid then
+ elseif item.type == "fluid" then
-- just skip fluids
- assert(false, "other item type not supported")
+ assert(false, string.format("other item type: %s not supported", item.type))

Please merge my PR.

6 years ago

Should be fixed in version 0.1.5.

New response