Fish and Wildlife

Adds regrowing trees and respawning fish.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

i 0.17 ?

5 years ago

Will this be updated for 0.17?
I really enjoy having it to spice up nature that little bit.

5 years ago

Yes, I'm working on it. Glad you have enjoyed it!

Out of curiosity, what other mods do you play with, and do you have any comment on how the combinations interact?

5 years ago

I use a fish farming mod alongside this, and I really like how the two work together.

Thank you for a great mod.

5 years ago

Any news on how the update goes?

I use Alien Biomes which adds new tree types. Most of my other mods won't affect this. I'm currently running Treefarm-lite but only because I don't have FWS.

I can't wait for the update!

5 years ago

My local copy works just for raw 0.17 compatibility, I'm dragging my feet on doing the other updates I wanted to do (changing the way some of the growth works to increase mod compatibility, adding settings options). I'll look into just pushing out what I've got (cleaning out partial changes etc).

5 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to work on this :)
Really looking forward to this when its updated

5 years ago

Pushed out. The main internal change is done (moved from using dummy resources to record "natural" tree levels to using Lua tables; savefiles and runtime will be slightly larger/slower, but mod compatibility is better). Intended new settings not all fully implemented.

New response