Free circuit wires

Removes ingredients for red and green circuit wires causing them to be free, like they essentially are already due to how blueprints work.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Mod Overview

5 years ago

These both remove the cost from the recipes:

And one that just makes the item attainable from the quick bar, like a blueprint:

Honestly, I think we maybe should petition the devs to just make this change in vanilla, like they did when they overhauled blueprint costs/handling for the library.

5 years ago

Haha I never knew there was another one. Not surprised, though, it's a simple fix and an annoying problem. Looks like mine came out originally a couple days before that one, and that one was updated a couple days before mine.

I'd be happy paying for the wires if you got the wire back when it was broken, or the little logistic computer boxes stayed on the item so when you hooked them up again it didn't use a wire. My problem isn't that you pay for them, it's that you have to keep paying for them while futzing around with a circuit that needs troubleshooting.

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