Forestry deprecated

Greenhouse: YES. Bees: YES. Genetic modifications: YES. Ores from combs: Hell YES! Build your own bees plant to get ores from bee combs

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Abandoned?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I just thought to start another go with this mod, and had to wonder if it will get finished?

What was your vision for the rest of the mod? The electronic parts don't seem to have a use yet, so perhaps that would be another tier of comb processing, or another tier of hive? This mod still has a lot of potential, and it's beeen fun getting it automated and getting it going with producing new princesses and ramping it all up.

Having another use for honey (and excess drones) other than just dumping into a Beecycler would also be good, but I can't think of what that would bee.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I would love to see genetics machines that increase the stats of the bees, much like in Binnies or Gendustry.

Although how you would balance the Speed and Lifespan attributes, when factorio treats it as a recipe that outputs at the end of the cycle is a question.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hello, to be honest I want to remove there electric parts at all as they are fairly not needed here. Not sure when I do this, but I want kinda limit mod to some key features as: combs production, wood production, biomass burner with compost (biomass) and methanol. Also I will make everything scrappable so you can get scrap boxes out of everything to not stockpile bypass resources like wax, excess biomass etc.

Waht about speed production and resource output: If I remember I made 3 tiers of both frames and bee-houses so it you combine top-tier house with top tier frame you get maximum output with shortest time.

Also scrap boxes will be reworked a bit, I want to limit a variety resources you getting from them (like basic ores, plates, some wood etc.), so it could be really easily automated to utilize everything you get from my mod.

What about beecycler in general: this is a biggest problem of these type of games. You get more resources to get more machines to get more resources to get more machines... I can make somthing like "golden nut" from Satisfactory where you need to get tonns of scrap to get a useless statue XD In our case this will be a golden bee that costs 25k of srap or whatever. The biggest problem I have nobody to draw it for me, As you noticed mod uses only 2 models of machines that I just painted as I could with my poor Paint.NET

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