Forestry deprecated

Greenhouse: YES. Bees: YES. Genetic modifications: YES. Ores from combs: Hell YES! Build your own bees plant to get ores from bee combs

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Can't use the research packs in vanilla labs

3 years ago

Can't use the research packs in vanilla labs

3 years ago

But this is a bug I cannot reproduce. I did all the research without a problem. You don't have any other mods that change the research labs, do you?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

It must be a bug from another mod, there could be 2 ways to add your research to lab:

  1. take whatever is already in lab and append your packages
  2. create list of vanalla reasearch + your packages and set as reasearch list to lab

Obviously second way is not right, but it seems some mod in your pack doing so

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