Forestry deprecated

Greenhouse: YES. Bees: YES. Genetic modifications: YES. Ores from combs: Hell YES! Build your own bees plant to get ores from bee combs

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Very excited.

3 years ago

I just finished a NPBees2 run, and just saw this. Very excited to see how this works. I loved Forestry/binnies/extra bees in Minecraft.

I know it's a very early version, but looking forward to it. Downloading now.

3 years ago

Are you working on a 1.1 update?

3 years ago

Hi Jemsterr!

Thank you for reply! To be honest I didn't touch 1.1. But once it will be released I will take a look. There are no things to be dependent on 1.1. no complicated scripts of event handlers, so it should be just a matter of changing number in JSON file and repack.

Please feel free to place your thoughts about items and balance here after you try this in real game


3 years ago

Mod is ready for Factorio 1.1

3 years ago

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you about it. I got distracted by Oxygen Not Included and Farming Simulator, and actually had a break for the first time in a couple years from factorio.

I have just finished researching all the bee-related items (I haven't unlocked blue science yet) and trying to get a basic setup going.

I am enjoying it. It is a very different feel to NPBees2, but that is not a bad thing.

I do feel that there needs to be another tier of apiary or better moduleability or something... Because the number of buildings to provide even one blue belt of ore seems to be quite high.

It has been fun trying to find out the best way to balance things, and I now finally almost have it all automated to create the proven frames for the bees, and the ethanol (Plus recycling of waste) for the new princesses.

3 years ago

I just finally got to the point where I have a 60-hive iron line supported by a 60-hive honeybee line, 15 wood greenhouses, a dozen or so sunflower greenhouses, a LOT of of assembly machines to process the wood, and now I have a grand total of 3 iron ore per second and some machinery to process new princesses for the 6 princess types.

Apart from the scale needed to produce the resources, the biggest bottleneck is processing the new princesses, which really restricts just how much you can scale it.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Now I really feel myself guilty for all the pain my mod caused you :( It was intended to make mod not cheaty like you put 3 bee houses and int works like a whole iron outpost. It defenetelly need kind of rebalancing. You are a person who defenetely played alot with it and probably you can suggest which rates you would do for it to feel more relaxed to play yet to cheaty?

2 years ago

That I'm not really sure about. I can provide you with my save file so you can see how far I've come and what it needs for balance.

New response