Foltik's Spaghetti Modpack

by Foltik

Just updated to 1.0 with new fixes and more content! This modpack is designed to massively ramp up the complexity of the vanilla game with Bob's mods, Angel's mods, Pyanodon's mods, Yuoki Industries, AAI, Logistics Trains, and more!

Mod packs
4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0

g Update

4 years ago

Because of the many changes in the underlying mods I used to build the pack, I've mainly shifted my focus towards building a brand new pack with custom built integrations instead of building on and updating this one.

I won't be releasing any more new content updates for this version of the pack, so in the mean time I would recommend switching over to another similar mod pack such as Sadawys' Multiplayer Extreme Modpack, which is actively maintained and should be mostly compatible with existing worlds:

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I added also which is close to this one. In this special single player mod pack are also some mods which are not best for multiplayer but also in your base modpack and additionally I moved everything to GitHub if someone will take over it :) (

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