Foltik's Spaghetti Modpack

by Foltik

Just updated to 1.0 with new fixes and more content! This modpack is designed to massively ramp up the complexity of the vanilla game with Bob's mods, Angel's mods, Pyanodon's mods, Yuoki Industries, AAI, Logistics Trains, and more!

Mod packs
4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0

b Desert Garden Uncraftable Recipe?

4 years ago

Why is there a recipe for Desert Garden that I can't craft? 500 washed sand, 500 fertilizer, and 1000 saline water makes a desert garden (according to FNEI and the soil extractor UI). BUT, there's no way to actually craft it.

4 years ago

This is the "desert-garden-generation" recipe from "Clowns-Processing". So I think this recipe should not be craftable because there is the cultivation recipe which generates a desert gardern and initially there are two harder ways to get a desert garden:
- search on the map for a desert garden (there are gardens, perhaps it is a long way but there are)
- Use desert garden mutation with uranium

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I see the recipe for infinite desert gardens. I can turn a desert garden into 32 alien science packs, and then use 30 alien science packs to make a new desert garden (provided I keep at least 1 as a catalyst).

I need to get about 7-10 gardens finding them on the map, to get enough alien science packs to get the process started and research the needed techs.

I'm wondering why they put that uncraftable recipe in?

4 years ago

As I remember 5 gardens are sufficient to get the process started (science for the recipe and then the 32 science packs). As I understood there are uncraftable recipes if a mod update changes the behavior and the "old" stays as uncraftable recipe :?

4 years ago

Since the other compatibility mod I based this pack off hasn't been updated in a long time, it has numerous bugs and strange behaviors like this.

It seems the recipe was supposed to be crafted in the seed extractor, but the mod author failed to take into account that the inputs of the seed extractor don't line up with the recipe ingredients, making it uncraftable.

I'll remove this recipe in the latest version of the pack, but for now you can just ignore it.

4 years ago

I assume you also fixed the Temperate garden and other garden? I've noticed several other uncraftable recipes.

I've also noticed several times you unlock a building before its prerequisites. I was going to make a jaw crusher, but realized that I needed to research cars first. I have a building unlocked that I can't craft.

There's other weird inconsistences. There are two types of slag. There are two types of corn. For some of the items (like sulfuric acid), you can convert one to the other, but not all of them. It gets confusing because they have the same item name.

4 years ago

Yes, I removed the broken recipes for all of the gardens.

Unfortunately Pyanodon's mods seem to just chuck all of the recipes into a few giant umbrella technologies like "Coal Processing" instead of organizing the items into an actual tech tree, leading to often having things unlocked that you cant craft. Thankfully most other mods are better about this.

The two versions of the same item are caused by both mods adding their own separate version. The compatibility patch mod I've included in the pack takes care of most of these problems, but doesn't actually remove the overlapping items, since other mods could possibly try to use them afterwards and crash, so you can still see them in FNEI.

The only way to fix these problems definitively would be to go through each and every item, recipe, and tech in all of the mods and create a unified mod that requires all of them and adds, removes, patches, and reorganizes everything to be seamlessly compatible. This would be a ton of work, and I just don't have the time to do this currently. For now, I'm trying to avoid large reworks and just allow the mods to be used together, however I am planning on developing a modpack of this sort in the future, and have already laid some of the required groundwork :)

4 years ago

So, how long we need to wait for ovehaul compability modpack version?

4 years ago

I don't have the time to actively work on it right now, so I don't have any definite time frame yet.

New response