Fluid Permutations

by spiwn

Rotate fluid inputs and outputs of buildings

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b weird behaviour

4 years ago

Works weird, wrong, with this mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Deuterium_Angels_Fix)
when you use the advance chemical plant for that récipe, if you try to alter the imput order, the whole rcipe changes, and goes from producing three outputs to just two.
then, if you have the three-ouputs récipe, and try to alter the output order, it raises an error saying passed index is out of range, howver, if you have the two-outputs récipe, you can change their order and nothing happens

4 years ago

It is probably a mod loading order issue. I will have a look at it.
Thank you for the report.

4 years ago


4 years ago

also, the heavy water electrolysis récipe, when you try to alter the outputs order (it only has one input), the récipe just dissapears, the electrolysers goes back to have no récipe selected

4 years ago

The mod's owner changed something, and the problema seems to have fixed itself

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