Flashlight Pointer

by DevilXD

When standing still, it will automatically turn your character to face an entity you mouse over on.

2 years ago

g not working!

2 years ago

Hello, DevilXD :)
I really want to try this mod.
But it doesn't work.
I don't know if it's a compatibility issue with my other mods or if I need some other prerequisites to use it.
Maybe I have to manipulate something in the game to make it work?
Thank you.

2 years ago

It's probably a compatibility issue because it works just fine for me, and none of the code really changed between this version and the original one.

What other mods are you using? You can try disabling some and loading your save to check which one does what you describe.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

It is also not working for me either. Do you know what sort of mod would potentially conflict with this?

New response