
Changes (almost) all recipes to additionally require 1 fish as an ingredient. How are you supposed to get the fish? That's, like, not my problem. This is a joke mod.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [FIXED]Same thing as a Result

4 years ago

Hi, this not a bug report.

But i want to ask you something, since i am not that good at modding and API.

I have tryed to copy your loop for recipes with Ingredients into Result into same recipes. But I got some error on one recipe.

The recipe for sulfuric_acid claim that has no icon.

And yes, i have downgraded the mod into Factorio 1.0.0 version to use.

So my questions are.
1. Can it be something done the easy way to set 'something' to every recipe results present ?
2. Do i need to manualy set results to every recipe ?
3. Or somehow avoid problematic recipes.


4 years ago

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking as neither 'results' nor 'ingredients' have 'icons'; recipes can (per ); but if you're modifying Sulfuric Acid that recipe should already have appropriate icons unless something has erroneously removed them from the recipe.

I suspect that perhaps you're trying to modify a 'sulfuric_acid' that doesn't exist, when you should be using 'sulfuric-acid'?

4 years ago

I have just replaced Ingredients with Results and added in separated For Do End loop, same as you had. But when i started the game that sulfuric-acid pop-out.

But ok, the problem should not to be with this mod, it can conflicts with another mods and / or Dependencies. So I will look further.

To picture what i am trying to do ...
I am playing with TradeRoutes Overhaul mod, where i have added manually, as in that mod the recipes are created sort of manualy.
I have added to every recipe Ingredients a 'small-biter' as a work force, shall we say. And that same 'small-biter' comes out as a Result along with other Results.

And i wanted to do something similar to all other vanilla and modded recipes.

Your mod seems to do the First part,
I just need to figure out the second part.

4 years ago was kind of an adventure, mainly because the Factorio modding API has a whole bunch of optional fields and behavior that changes when certain fields are present or absent.

I think what you were running into was ...

When you change a recipe from having one 'result' to having multiple 'results', the recipe needs the 'main_product' field populated in order to find an icon to associate to the result (or you'd need to specify the icon directly for the recipe).

I've added a new version of this mod with my best attempt at making a 'catalyst' ingredient insertion in a generic manner by appropriately setting the 'main_product' field when it's missing; and converting the 'result' string into an appropriate 'results' table for a recipe so that the 'fish' result (or in your case, small-biter) can be added to the 'results' table.

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