Factory Planner

This mod allows you to plan your production in advance, specifying the recipes and machines that make up each assembly line. It provides powerful features that are fast and intuitive to use, so you can focus on actually building your factory.

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Matrix Solver unrestricted items selection issue

1 year, 29 days ago

When needing to select multiple unrestricted items in the matrix solver, deselecting items doesn't always work right - sometimes the item you click stays as an unrestricted item, and a different item is removed.

It looks like an issue with the order you select items, and the sorting of the buttons - for example, if you select ItemB then itemA, the unrestricted item list will show them as [ItemA - ItemB], and clicking on ItemA will cause ItemB (the first one selected) to be removed.