Factorissimo 2 - notnotmelon fork 🍴

A fork of Factorissimo 2 focused on improving performance by implementing several 1.1 features. Can improve performance by 10X or higher. Also fixes several bugs from the original version.

1 year, 4 months ago

i Port markers on by deafult setting

1 year, 9 months ago

Hi, thank you for the great mod, would it be possible to add setting to make port markers on by default? Whenever I'm placing the factory to match existing outside connections it's hard to judge whether it's aligned properly or not without placing it and pressing R

1 year, 9 months ago

This isn't doable. In the factorio api there is no way to determine what the current cursor position is. Since all the indication arrows are custom rendered based on entity position I have no way to render them properly.

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