Factorissimo 2 - notnotmelon fork 🍴

A fork of Factorissimo 2 focused on improving performance by implementing several 1.1 features. Can improve performance by 10X or higher. Also fixes several bugs from the original version.

1 year, 4 months ago

g Git repo for this mod?

1 year, 9 months ago

Love this fork of Factorissimo. Fantastic work. Do you have a public Git repo it? I've got some ideas for changes that I'd love to tinker around with, and having a git repo to pull from would be awesome.

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

I don't have a repo for this unfortunately. Public or private. As a rule I don't use git for Factorio projects because I am usually working alone and the mod portal handles version control for me automatically. This mod doesn't have any compiled lua though (yet), so feel free to extract the mod files manually. The license is also nonrestrictive.

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

If you have anything you want to send me, just use a file manager such as google drive, mega, or dropbox.

What changes are you planning on making?

1 year, 9 months ago

I was thinking about adding some building types that have different shapes, sizes, and appearances. Like buildings specific to oil refinery or power production, or buildings that are habitats or medical facilities. Maybe also an adjustable light level inside buildings.

1 year, 9 months ago

This mod has a remote API that lets you add new tiers of factory. Check out the FAQ page for an example

1 year, 9 months ago

Nice, I didn't know that! I'll probably use that rather than trying to modify the mod directly.

1 year, 9 months ago

being able to access a git repo, regardless of where hosted, makes it much easier for people who have experience with programming (like me) to research the changes you've done in the past to figure out how they might've caused issues. similarly, when implementing fixes (like you did), having a repo that is connected to the original history of this repo and contains branches also serves as notes to ourself on what we did, even if those fixes aren't implemented by you

also, as a matter of respect, if you publish here, you should link it to a repo that links back to macfry's original repo

(really, very practically speaking: seeing that there are crashes with bioindustries and there is no repo for me to utilize made me decide to just skip this mod)

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

Sorry, it's just too much of a hassle for me to maintain a git repo.
The changelog.txt file already has detailed notes on what every update changes.

I already fixed several issues with bio industries in 1.1.5
Do you have a error message, log file, or reproduction case? Otherwise I can't fix this.

As for the "matter of respect", I am already in communication with MagmaMcFry. Certain changes to this fork have already been made at his request. If he asks for the original repo to be linked, I will link it. For now I want to keep the mod page focused on the features that the fork adds.

1 year, 9 months ago

none of what you said is congruent with any behavior i have experienced in my over 20 years of open source software development, and i couldn't disagree with your conclusions any more strongly. thanks for the reply tho

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