Factorio HD Age: Base Game Graphics Addon

In addition to the HD textures for the Base Game, this modpack includes visual enhancement mods and tweaks. All included mods are automatically set and adjusted to create a consistent look.

Mod packs
2 months ago

i [Closed] HD for Avatars mod

2 months ago

Hi, I use all of your mods! It's great to enjoy Factorio in an HD experience. This becomes especially obvious how much better the game looks, if other mods are not in an appropriate resolution.
Could you implement also https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Avatars ?
Thx for consideration :)

2 months ago

I can understand that, but I would ask you to write to the creator of the Avatar mod about this. If he has used high resolution raw material, he will be able to create much better HD textures than I can with upscaling.

I also see other problems in the future if I start creating HD textures for other mods.
Firstly, I don't want to use other modders' textures without their permission.
Secondly, if I started doing this, I would get a lot of requests to do it for other mods as well.
Thirdly, I would have to continue to support these HD mods.
All of this is a huge time commitment, far beyond my capabilities.

If other modders are interested in including HD textures as an option in their own mod, they can contact me via the Factorio Discord server and I will be happy to support them.

2 months ago

Hi Ingo, thanks for the quick reply. I will reach out for him and will refer to this thread.
Keep it up, man!

This thread has been locked.