Factorio Reach

by Syx

Provides the player with a long/far reach for complete access to items, ores and trees across the entire visible play area.

a month ago
0.13 - 2.0

g chest open requires item in hand

7 years ago

I was using this mod last night, and was trying to get things out of a chest that was under radar cover far away. I found I had to have an item in hand and then left click on the chest to open the chest. If I had nothing in my hand the chest would not open. (Factorio base bug or a mod bug?)

6 years ago

As of 0.16 this has stopped working - it was a bug that permitted this in the first place and has been removed:

"Fixed it was possible to open entity GUIs from zoom-to-world when holding some items in cursor."

New response