Factorio Leaderboard deprecated

The service is closing!

3 years ago

g Linux client

3 years ago


How to use the linux version of the client ?

There's no "stats-transfer" in the linux client archive
Tried to do ./FactorioLeaderboardService but no output in the terminal.

A readme must be added in the archive.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Yeah, the Linux version sure needs a readme, but I have not had the time to try it out on linux unfortunately. And I have no experience with Linux, so I need to find someone who can help me with that.

The application is built as a deamon/service, and in Windows, it writes information and warnings to the event viewer. I think the equivalent in linux might be "syslogd", so take a look there.

Try running it with "./FactorioLeaderboardService console" or if you want to enter all the config parameters:
./FactorioLeaderboardService console apikey=######YOUR-API-KEY-##### factorioDirectory="path to factorio folder/Factorio" runAfterConfigChange

Best regards,
The Development Team