Extra Bobs! (Texture changes and equipment only)

This mod is just a stripped down version of MoreBobs! with only texture changes I liked.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b [Fixed] update to 0.18.8

4 years ago

An error occurs, Maybe fix it somehow. thanks
https://ibb.co/yRVP64W ( list of mods )
https://ibb.co/TRFQ03v ( Error )

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

Until Sandro solves this, it can be provisionally fixced by commenting on all the require instructions involving moreshinnybobs, specifically the ones in data-updates.lua and data-final-fixes.lua

4 years ago

you can also delete those two files

4 years ago

Ok, if you do that the textures dont change, instead of that, go to prototypes/moreshinnybobs/gfx and open gfx.lua

comment two lines, the one that adds gfx-equipment, and the one that adds gfx-pumps

4 years ago

Ok, if you do that the textures dont change, instead of that, go to prototypes/moreshinnybobs/gfx and open gfx.lua

comment two lines, the one that adds gfx-equipment, and the one that adds gfx-pumps
Tell me what you need to do in more detai

4 years ago

This bug is fixed in 0.3.1.

New response