Extra Bobs! (Texture changes and equipment only)

This mod is just a stripped down version of MoreBobs! with only texture changes I liked.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Extra Bobs solder not compatible with Angels solder

5 years ago

As the title says. Extra Bobs seems to add its own soldier that is not the same as angel's solder. This means Angel's solder can't be used to make blue circuits and more. Can we fix this please?

5 years ago

This mod shouldn't add any items. It only replaces textures.

5 years ago

Odd. I'll do some more testing.

5 years ago

Okay so I'm dumb
The icon changes in the "bobs intermediate products" menu but not in the angels "Metelergic casting" menu. The metelergic casting produces the proper item with the proper icon you added. Sorry to have bothered you.

Can I change this to a request? To add the new solder icon to the Angel's solder production?

5 years ago

I will take a look at it at the weekend.

New response