
by sebgggg

Manage your armor

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g compatability with creative mode mod?

7 years ago

for some reason i get an error when i activate creative mode... with exoman in the error... any ideas how to fix?

7 years ago

I tried with latest version of factorio, exoman and creative mod and it works fine.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hi sebgggg,

I think you need to check if global[player.index].faclib is nil in line 254 of lib/faclib_ui/faclib_ui.lua.

It is causing error when I click the "No" button from Test Mode or from my Creative Mode, when I change the state of a checkbox, or when force.research_all_technologies() is executed (either by command or Creative Mode). There may be more examples.

Hope you can fix it. :)

7 years ago

Updated, should be fixed.

7 years ago

huh... im still getting the error with the newest version of the mod... so im guessing it wasn't fixed? or is it something else?

7 years ago

I tested with the latest version of Factorio, my mod and creative_mod and i have no error while starting a new game, loading a game without my mod, loading a game with 0.0.1 exoman and no error.
I need you to give me more info, what version of Factorio, of my mod, and creative mod? Is it a new game? A save with version 0.0.1? What is the error message?

New response