Exact Grab

by merlish

Precisely select the number of items you're holding - without click spam.

3 years ago

b Recent crash

3 years ago

Hello. About 6 hours ago, I had a crash that is still happening everytime I press Control+R:

The mod Exact Grab (0.1.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event exact-grab::exact-grab-recall-key (ID 206)
exact-grab/control.lua:208: attempt to compare number with nil stack traceback:
exact-grab/control.lua:208: in function

Is it possible to fix it?
Your mod is what I was looking for, to pick exactly 20 units of ammo....
I need it! haha!

3 years ago

I'm back! LoL
So I clicked with the right mouse botton in the ammo box.
Scrolled to the 20 ammo I like.
Pressed Control+R.
And that's it.
It was working again. Looks like the game forgets the setup when you reload it. So I was asking for 20 ammo, but the game didn't know that it should have 20 ammo in the Control+R key.
Thanks anyway!
Lov your mod!

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