Exact Grab

by merlish

Precisely select the number of items you're holding - without click spam.

3 years ago

b crash

3 years ago

53150.866 Error MainLoop.cpp:1285: Exception at tick 5657586: The mod Exact Grab (0.1.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event exact-grab::exact-grab-recall-key (ID 280)
exact-grab/control.lua:208: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
exact-grab/control.lua:208: in function <exact-grab/control.lua:206>

3 years ago

I get the same error when I hover over an item in any inventory, hold CTRL and scroll up/down. Game crashed to main menu.

The mod Exact Grab (0.1.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event exact-grab::exact-grab-inc1-key (ID 188)
__exact-grab__/control.lua:232: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    __exact-grab__/control.lua:232: in function 'add_remove_pressed'
    __exact-grab__/control.lua:280: in function <__exact-grab__/control.lua:279>
3 years ago

Crashes when in Production Overlay and using CTRL + R

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