Quickprint deprecated

Adds a blueprint that is wiped after placing it. Useful for one-time copying of small factory bits. (0.17 has built-in copy/paste so there's not going to be any updates.) (Languages: English, Deutsch, 日本語)

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

i rotation

6 years ago

When clearing the quickprint also clear its rotation. It is quite confusing when I use the same quickprint after half an hour and it is rotated. Sometimes I dont even notice and create an absolute mess :D

6 years ago

Quickprints have no special handling for rotation, so they should behave the same as a standard blueprint. Though i'm not sure what you're describing, as you say that you "use it" after "clearing it"?

(And also 0.17 is coming soon™ and hopefully has awesome copy/paste built-in,)

6 years ago

Steps to reproduce:
Create new quick print
Select an area
Press R to rotate the blueprint by 90 degrees
Place the blueprint - this clears its content and makes the quickprint usable again
Select another area
Place the blueprint - OOPS, it is placed rotated :(

(0.17 hopefully comes out soon, and as it would make this mod obsolete, I agree to spend no more time on it.)

Anyway, thanks for this mod :D

6 years ago

Huh. Yea, i can reproduce that, and i might be able to hack a fix for it. But it looks more like a bug in the engine. If you replace the "place blueprint -> auto-clear" step by "placing it into a slot an shift+right-click'ing" the rotation is properly reset. I.e. manual clearing of blueprints behaves different than programatic clearing.

Thanks for the reproduction steps anyway. Might come in handy for something completely different sometime :).

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