Enemy Technology

by Keiler

Changes every techology to advance only by killing enemies

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i [0.17.79 < STABLE>]

3 years ago

Instead of changing reds to alien kills; how about BOTH option must have red tech and kill biters to advance tech. research only activates when you ALSO HAVE the science. nice combo with https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LootMilitaryScience

3 years ago

Have Zero Tech Researched.

Addition of Enemy Kills WITH BOTH Required Recipes in order for Tech to grow. No Kills no research progression.

for 1.0

3 years ago

Sorry for not responding for 4 Months, I will update the Mod to 1.0.0 and add a option to not start with free research, unfortunatly I dont know how to have both Science and Kill research

New response