Changelog Tools

by adamius

Changelog parser rule checker tool. Only useful for those writing mods. Requires a recent Python 3.x from

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i info.json checking?

4 years ago

Considering basic checks of the info.json file as well.

is it actually a JSON file?
mod name / version matches parent folder name.

Anything else?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

is there an info.json file at the root of the folder?
is there a lience.txt linked to your project?
if not used by default (or unlincenced)

does the name of the folder match the value "name"?

is there a hook open at the beginning
and a close hook at the end of the file?

is there any tabulation?
if so, replace with spaces
(indentation recommended 2 spaces)

"name": (name of folder / zip file)
"title": (name in factorio)
"homepage" :( git, website
"contact": (email, discord, twitter etc)
"dependencies": (? optional,! incompatible, essential)

is each description placed between ""?
does the line end with a,?
is there a comma in the last line? if yes delete it
in dependencies, is there a "base"?
in dependencies, open and close hook [] ?
if several dependencies, are they separated by a comma,?

CR / LF? (unix only)

New response