Custom Terrain Generation

by Mxlppxl

Changes how land and water are generated. Highly customizable.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Original CTG mod being updated

7 months ago

Hi-- I just saw this copy of the mod, wanted to give you a heads up that I've been working on an update of the original to v1.1. I have some new patterns and a few minor breaking changes. Let me know if there are any particular features you think the mod could benefit from. Cheers

7 months ago

New version of CTG is now up

7 months ago

Thank you. If you want me to take this down I can. It does not seem used that much.

7 months ago

It's fine to leave it (people might be using your version) so long as you have a note on the mod page saying that the original version of CTG has been updated to 1.1. Might be nice to print an informational message within the mod itself but that would be more work. Hopefully people like some of the new features, it can be hard to guess what people are using the mod for.

New response