Craftable Character

by laftur

Create extra bodies and leave them lying about! Also install Persistent Character to switch between bodies, or don't. I don't know your life.

3 years ago

b can't pick up corpse

3 years ago

if you use one of the characters you crafted and dies you lose your body idk if it is a bug or what.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Do you mean your inventory disappears? Let me try to be clear:

  • Craft and place a new character.
  • Switch to that character.
  • Craft some electronic circuits.
  • Get killed somehow. You get put into your original character.
  • The electronic circuits are missing from your inventory.

Where did they go? They are stored in the dead character body. Am I understanding correctly? If so, this is intentional behavior. Crafted thingies stay in the body that held them, even unto death.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)
  • Craft and place a new character.
  • Switch to that character.
  • Get killed somehow. You get put into your original character.
  • you cant pick up that body into your inv
3 years ago

Oh, I see. That is not intended behavior. I will look into this. I haven't played factorio in a few months, so there might be some new bugs with my mods.

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