Concurrent Research

labs will work on queued technologies, based on available science packs

12 days ago

b Error while running event concurrent-research::on_research_finished (ID 19)

12 days ago

The mod causes a crash when completing a queued research. I had Aquilo Discovery, Belt Stacking, and Mining Prod queued. When Mining Prod finished the game crashed with this error. I've trimmed it to fit since it was repeated many times.

Error while running event concurrent-research::on_research_finished (ID 19)
The mod Concurrent Research (0.1.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event concurrent-research::on_research_finished (ID 19)
concurrent-research/control.lua:83: C stack overflow
stack traceback:
concurrent-research/control.lua:83: in function <concurrent-research/control.lua:82>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'research_recursive'
concurrent-research/control.lua:87: in function <concurrent-research/control.lua:82>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'research_recursive'
concurrent-research/control.lua:87: in function <concurrent-research/control.lua:82>

12 days ago

should be fixed now

apparently infinite research works different than other research

12 days ago

Thank you! It also re-queues the next infinite research which is perfect. Thanks again.

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