Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

17 hours ago
Circuit network

i Use Constant Combinator As Connection Point

7 months ago

This mod is excellent, thank you for it!

I have a potential suggestion to further improve its performance. Instead of simulating a medium power pole as a connection node, utilizing a simulated constant combinator instead may provide UPS savings as unconnected electrical networks tend to impact performance at scale. A dummy constant combinator would be ignored by the network and limit orphaned networks for the game to track. It also doesn't require an internal energy buffer to potentially detect

I am unsure if this situation persists when packing the circuit, but I do see the network connections of the hidden poles when the circuit is packed and closed in the debug menu

Thank you again!

7 months ago

Thanks for your comment. I will try this.

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