Combat Robot Lifeline

Extends the poor Combat Robots Time-To-Live... Let them live their life!

8 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Can you make this research-based?

8 years ago


It'd be super neat if this module didn't grant a flat x3.4 robot lifespan bonus, but instead had something like two upgrade techs, one early-mid game priced one one (100r/100g, x20s) to double robot lifespan, and then another late-game priced one (250r/g/b/p, x45s) to increase robot lifespan by another 50% (for a total of 200%) or around 70% (for a total of 240, exactly matching your x3.4 multiplier).

Or, honestly, I think a 90% bonus and then a later 80% bonus, would be more suitable. That "lands" at x3.42, thus very close to your desired x3.4.

8 years ago

This mod was mostly made in response to someone's request. So I never really put much thought into the "how".

As for making it a research... the changes are made as part of the prototype, which means its harder to scripting-change it on the fly... Maybe in the future I will have a play with that sort of thing, but for now the mod is as intended.

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