Color Blind Ultimate

by rycieos

Ultimate options for color blindness accessibility. Includes custom icons, sprites, icon and sprite overlays, text overlays, customizable wire colors, customizable game and map overlay colors, and customizable technology background colors. Everything is individually customizable. Can be removed without affecting save games.

19 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b do_replace_or_overlay error

a month ago
Failed to load mods: __colorblind_ultimate__/data/base/data-updates.lua:21: attempt to call global 'do_replace_or_overlay' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    __colorblind_ultimate__/data/base/data-updates.lua:21: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    __colorblind_ultimate__/data-updates.lua:7: in main chunk

This was after I changed several startup settings, so it's unclear exactly which ones caused this case.

a month ago

Thanks for the report. Could you share your Factorio log so I can see what other mods you have installed?

a month ago

I was able to reproduce this. The setting causing the crash was "All fluid barrels" set to "Overlay of fluid overlay". Apparently I had not thoroughly tested that value since updating to 2.0.

Anyway, it's fixed now in 2.2.2, and should also handle modded fluids better as a bonus.

Thanks again for the report!

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