Color Blind Ultimate

by rycieos

Ultimate options for color blindness accessibility. Includes custom icons, sprites, icon and sprite overlays, text overlays, customizable wire colors, customizable game and map overlay colors, and customizable technology background colors. Everything is individually customizable. Can be removed without affecting save games.

20 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Settings sorting

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Hi rycieos. First of all, thank you for a fantastic mod. I was, wondering, is it possible (and would you consider) improving the settings for the mod by listing individual options in a more logical and organized manner (i.e. splitting it into sub-categories, such as raw materials, ammo, belts, circuits, etc.)?

3 months ago

I am definitely open to that. Unfortunately, Factorio does not support adding headers to the settings page, so all the settings must be under the "Color Blind Ultimate" header. But I definitely can control the order of the settings.

Currently the order is this:
1. By mod (colorblind_ultimate, core, base, quality, space age, ultracube)
2. By "type" (generic color, prototype, GUI element)
3. By prototype name
4. By type (checkbox, dropdown, color picker)

You are basically asking for a new step after step 2, which is to assign a group to things. That should be quite doable. Let me give it a shot.

3 months ago

I grouped things by prototype type, and then by manual groups when that wasn't specific enough (type "item" has a lot of objects). I think the order makes a lot more sense now. I have released this as part of v2.2.1. Thanks for the suggestion!

3 months ago

Thank you! This does indeed make a lot more sense now (at least to me).

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