Color Picker

by Mooncat

Adds the color picker GUI to let you easily change your player color. When selected, you can also use the color picker to change train stop color, locomotive color, cargo wagon color or fluid wagon color (this mod adds color masks to the vanilla fluid wagons). It also provides API to let other mods accessing such GUI.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.15

i Default Color

6 years ago

Could you add as default the color of iron ore, copper ore, coal, uranium ore, oil? Practically all the basic substances

6 years ago

Ah, yes. I love those colors for theming my trains stations and locomotives.

6 years ago

In the next version, I will remove the blue color preset and add coal, iron, copper, stone and uranium, so the total number of default color presets will become 7. I don't want to make the default list too long.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

By the way, I will choose the colors from here, with some adjustments:

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