Chromatic Module

by Lyzz

Adds 4 new very Expensive Modules, Vio Modules 1 to 3: even speed and efficiency with high boost and cost. perfect to scale down the factory in size.(+100% Speed, +100% Energy consumption, +20% Pollution), Chromatic Module: good in every aspect except pollution. unlocked after rocket control unit(+25% Productivity, +100% Speed, -20% Energy Consumption, +100% Pollution)

2 years ago

b Pollution

2 years ago

Hi, Pollution with one module give 2.4/min, with 4 give 1.2/min ?

2 years ago

the game takes energyuse into account.
(pollution multiplier * energy usage multiplier * base pollution)
i could use a higher pollution multiplikator. but with that, the problem stays the same

but iam on it.

2 years ago

but with basic modules it works fine (blue modules)

2 years ago

use 2x blue, then add 2x green. and you have lower polutionrates with just the 2 blues.
lower energyconsumption = lower polution generation

(vio modules work too. because they increase the energy use. thus increasing pollution)

2 years ago


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