Chromatic Belts

by Mel1646

Changes belt graphics so that their type is more obvious. Compatible with vanilla loaders and bobs logistics. Let us know if there are any more mods you'd like to see made compatible!

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i Compatibility Requests

5 years ago

Didn't see a thread for mod compatibility requests, so I figured I'd start one.

To kick things off -
Would it be possible to add compatibility with the Ultimate Belts mod?


5 years ago

the ultimate belts mod already does a retexture of the belt sheets. it also reuses some colors that are already used in vanilla and other mods. (i.e. red, blue, purple, and green) which would make it hard to tint the black parts of the belts to match their color without being very similar to other belt types. the mod currently doesn't break when used in conjunction with my mod, but it doesnt get the same deadlock reskin when that option is enabled in the deadlocks compact loaders mod.

tl;dr: i dont plan on adding any special compatibility with this mod because i dont see any compatibility changes that are needed. if you want them to be compatible with deadlocks reskin option, then take that up with the authors of deadlocks compact loaders. :)

New response