THANK YOU!!! Worked perfectly.
For anyone else wanting a more detailed tutorial:
- Download the mod, unzip it
- in the folder "prototypes" is the flip.lua file
- any Text editor will do (even though you won't have line numbers)
- insert that line IN BETWEEN line 83 and 84.
The end result should look like this:
[line 83] local function startflippening(unflippedname, techname)
[line 84] if not data.raw["assembling-machine"][unflippedname] then return end
[line 85 (this is the original line 84] tobymods.chemflip.combotable[unflippedname] = determinecombo(unflippedname)
Then save the file and zip the entire folder again.
Place this modified folder in the usual mod folder (or do this change there)