Colour Blind Friendly Science Packs

Alternative icons for science packs

5 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i Great Mod: Maybe one for circuits too?

4 years ago

Hey there. I'm somewhat colorblind and this mod has been a blessing for me! Too many colorblind mods try mucking with the colors, but there's no single degree or type of colorblindness, so that often makes them look hideous.

Your mod does it right: 2 identifying factors instead of one! With shapes, you don't need to touch the colors at all. I love it, and have found it extremely useful.

I was wondering if there might be any way you could see doing something similar for circuit boards. I am continually struggling telling red and green circuit boards apart, and other colorblind mods I've tried make them look horrible. I don't know how you'd change the shapes, but hopefully you can give it a go.

Thanks again!

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