Building Platform

by Neemys

Add building platform at world generation. Some building can only be placed on those platform. You will need to take care on how you do some design to fit them on building platform and your base will have less space to expand.

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g 1.0

4 years ago

Are you still here ?

any plans to up to 1.0 ?

4 years ago

Oh sorry for the late answer.

I could try updating it, but since I don't have lots of time and the whole platform generation is broken, it could take a while.

I didn't think people were still interested in the mod.

4 years ago

thats unfortunate - but ok :-)

Thanks for the answer anyway

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I had time yesterday to work on it.

Everything is working, just need to remake the world generation part so platform aren't placed as it was a biome. For the moment we have the same problem as 0.17 where there is either too much platforms or not enough. Not sure I will have enough time this week end for that, we'll see. It mostly depend on the task difficulty since I don't know exactly what changed since the last time it was working.

When this is done I will publish the updated mod.

4 years ago

Here the 1.0.0 version is now online on this modportal and also on the forum thread ;)

I have done tests but since I don't have time to play, do not hesitate to report any bug.

Known problem so far :

  • Transition between platform and stone path can be weird.
  • Vanilla resources and platform can overlap during world generation preview but ingame no platform are placed under resources.

New response