Brave New World

by canidae

RTS-like scenario for Factorio. Player character is removed, all work must be done by bots

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i AAI compatibility

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Great Idea for a mod, you could also try to integrate it as much as possible with AAI so we would play a death world RTS Style, would be great!

A little further into the future, you could add an AI controlled opponent to be your faction enemy that way the victory goal would be killing all enemies!
PS: Who plays it to launch a single rocket into space anyways? :D

7 years ago

AAI doesn't appear to be updated for 0.16 yet, but I might take a look at supporting it once it's upgraded to 0.16.
A bit further down the line I've considered making the scenario support multiple forces for multiplayer PVP games, but I don't have any plans to make an AI controlled opponent.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

AAI has been updated for 0.16, but within this scenario or mod it disables the ability to drag select units. Would be awesome if this was supported! Also noticed that you can't place red/green wires without prototyping it in another game first.

6 years ago

You should be able to carry red/green wires (up to 200, or one stack of each). If not, then it's possible another mod is interfering with the scenario.
I'll see if I can add support for AAI.

6 years ago

Not sure but I'm using AAI in my current playtrough and it seems to be working. I can select unit with the unit controller and they follow orders as you'd expect. Are you sure its not another mod interfering?

6 years ago

I tested AAI briefly, and my experience is the same as wartank, you can select units with the Unit Remote Controller and order them around. If you're experiencing problems it may be another mod interfering with AAI.

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