Bob's Angelthon

Adjusts Angel's Mods and to work well with Marathon and Bob's

8 years ago

b Mod doesn't work with Foreman tool

8 years ago

So this isn't a bug per say, but it is an issue I'm having with this mod isn't registering in the external analyzer ( ) I like to use. I've mentioned the issue to them as well.

Foreman analyzes the mods in your mod folder and provides flowchart of how much raw resources and how many of each machine you need making each recipe to get a target items per second.

Other mods don't have this issue getting read into foreman, so I thought there might be a chance that this mod is doing something slightly than other mods with how it loads it recipes. I've been trying to dig into it a little, but I haven't found a good way to debug anything that is going on.

8 years ago

That could be due to the use of loops in the scripts to reduce the size of the files and reduced my need to type EVERYTHING!!!


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