Bobs Useful Thorium

by Zarnoo

Just turns thorium into Uranium

6 years ago

g But angels...

6 years ago

This is sort of useless if you use Angels and Clowns mods with bobs. allows for thorium to be processed into fuel which is more powerful than Uranium and Clowns has it so you can reprocess it (thorium Fuel Cell) into vehicle fuel with biproduct isotopes.

6 years ago

I don't like Clowns, and Angels by itself doesn't give me anything as far as I can see.. As I said, was easier to knock this out that try and work out why I didn't have uranium, and had no recipes that would allow me to use Thorium..

So not useless at all

6 years ago

Nah, it's fine zarnoo. many people will like this. Bob's adds thorium, but it doesn't have a use unless another mod gives it one, cause that's one thing bobingabout never added (as far as i know)

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Yeah, I sort of don't like it when to get the most out of one mod, you have to install another, even if you don't like the features inthat 2nd mod. My idea here was to make a quick fix to make Thorium useful, where you don't want to install a dozen extra mods on top of bobs (p.s. I love bobs !)
.. and, I've done a full grep of all the mods I've installed (most of bobs and angels), and have 0 Thorium recipes, so it's not me, unless I'm missing a mod (and to that takes me back to my first point).
Anyway, small mod, doesn't do any harm, don't install if you don't like, fill ya boots if you do !

6 years ago

most normal playthroughs shouldn't spawn thorium unless you've set something up in the startup config to FORCE it to spawn, in which case this mod becomes instantly useful. yeah, if you have a specific combination of mods there'll be a recipe for it already, but if you don't play with those mods and have messed up your config so you have thorium all over the place: either you use a mod to give it a use, or it's just waste.

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