Bob's Ores

Adds some useful ores.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Info]Where can i find water resources?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I play Bob+Angel mods.
I turned on water resources, so i can use cargo ships at least for something, but i dont see any spawn of water resources. How does it work?
I see oil spawning only, no ores or anything else.

2 years ago

if it's just bobores, you need to turn on the option for each ore you want.
bobplates (Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates) will automatically turn on the ores it needs.

However, Angels mods change the way my mods work, so if you do use angels mods, it's best to ask over there.
The cargo ships you mention, if that's from another mod, that could also be a factor.

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