Bob's Ores

Adds some useful ores.

1 year, 11 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Bobs Ore/Space Exploration Problem

3 years ago

Bobs Ore have a Problem with Space Exploration
I noticed this Problem when I deactivated Angels Mod because I was testing out which Mods cause problems

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The error says that the autoplace-control for "lithia-water" does not exist.
of course it doesn't exist, it's controlled by the "water" autoplace-control.

Game engine has allowances for this.

Issue isn't with my mod.

3 years ago

But why is the Game say the Problem is coming from SE and Bobs ore?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

It's a resource added by Bob's Ore mod. this mod.

there is NO rule anywhere that says the autoplace-control must have the same name as the resource, and the resource autoplace functions include the ability to set it to anything you want, it just defaults to the resource's name. So I set it to something else, which is valid, I set it to the same control as pure-water, which I think is just "water".

The way the error reporting thing works, is if ANY mod touches a data table that causes an error, then it gets listed in the error report.
I don't know what Space Exploration, Alien Biome, or that other german looking mod is doing to my ore, but if it mentions it as a possible cause, it must be doing something to my ore.
One of them, intentionally or by accident, must be changing the autoplace-control away from the one I set, to the resource's name, which obviously doesn't exist as my mod doesn't add it, because why would you want a control that doesn't do anything?

Rule 1 of good modding: Never assume anything.

As an example, if you want to replace an ingredient in a recipe... step one, Make sure the recipe exists, it may have been deleted. Step 2, make sure that the ingredient you want to replace actually exists too. This includes checking to see if there's a difficulty definition on the recipe that may be different than that of the base mod. Step 3, make sure the ingredient you want to add doesn't exist, as a recipe can't have the same ingredient twice. Then after all 3 of those checks are complete, perform whatever actions are required.
Many mods just don't, they just try an replace the item name of the ingredient they're wanting to replace, which would work if the game was in an unmodified state, but if other mods are present, you never know if any of them have already made changes.

when it comes to autoplace, the table that is applied to autoplace actually includes the line control = autoplace_control_name, which means it would be very easy to check to see if a control is different from the resource's name. (Just read the value of data.raw.resource[resource].autoplace.control) Both the old method and new method resource generators existing in the game use the same variable, so there's no excuse not to try and read it if you're changing things.

Another question to ask would be... Why are they even changing my resource autoplace data?
I would guess that Alien Biome is editing it because they're adding new biomes, and want to exclude it from spawning in certain areas.
And I would guess that Space Exploration is editing it because they're adding new surfaces, and want it to be able to spawn there.

Either way, one of the two mods is somehow corrupting the "control=" flag into an invalid value (changing it away from the working custom value I use into the resource's name).

New response