Bob's Ores

Adds some useful ores.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Ores missing

4 years ago

Hi, i started a new game and the ores doesn´t spawn anymore. I allready deinstalled RSO, reinstalled your mod. Tried several times to start a new game but no sucssess.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Would need more information, such as a list of all mods.

This mod works perfectly fine with 1.0 of Factorio
with only this mod and the library (though in this configuration, you have to turn each of the ores on in mod settings. bobplates/Metals Chemicals and Intermediates turns on all the required ores.)
the full bob's mods suite
with the full angels mods set.
Even with RSO

if you use any mods other than what I've mentioned, I'd need to know about it.

4 years ago

Hi, thanx for the quick reply. I disabled every mod step by step (got a quite few). It was "Ore eraser" mod which caused the trouble. Just after it was updated, but the bug occured only with a new game. By the way... i love your mods ! They push factorio really to a much higher level:)

4 years ago

Going by the name, "Ore Eraser", it sounds like it was doing exactly what it's supposed to.

New response