Bob's Ores

Adds some useful ores.

1 year, 11 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

b unsorted gem ore + Angels Infinite Ores = no recipe for sorting

6 years ago

If angels' infinite ores is enabled with Bob's mods and the bob's mod setting for unsorted ore is disabled, infinite patches still give unsorted ore, which has no recipe UNLESS the setting for unsorted ore is on--which i suppose is a fix of sorts, but if it is off, it does result in resources with no recipe:

per dataUpdates in bob's ores:
if bobmods.ores.settings.UnsortedGemOre == true then
if data.raw["item-subgroup"]["bob-gems-ore"] then
data.raw.recipe["sort-gem-ore"].subgroup = "bob-gems-ore"

There are a few ways to fix this: conditional OR on first line to add recipe if Either "unsorted ore gem" is true, or if angels infinite ores is on. (result = mining angel's infinite ores will then require sorting, but regular patches will not)

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

oh wait, that's just the subgroup definition.
the recipe is in gems.lua at the very top...same basic thing though. a single check for if unsorted gems is enabled results in the recipe not being available, but angel's ores still gives unsorted gem as a result.

6 years ago

or is the issue on Arch666Angels side of things?

New response