Bob's Assembling machines

Adds assembling machines 4, 5 and 6. And other machine higher tiers too.

2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Fixed]AAI industry conflicts with Bobs Assembly.

3 years ago

There is a steam assembly machine in this mod, but due to AAI industry, this recipe is disappearing.

Bob, is this your intention or is it really a mod conflict?

3 years ago

Either it's a mod conflict, or the other mod does it on purpose. Yes, there are actually mods out there that delete things from mine intentionally, and there's nothing I can do about it.

3 years ago

So you can't fix this problem with the AAI industry? Can you contact Earendel and talk to him about this?

3 years ago

The angelsmod guys are trying to find the cause of this problem. See if they find the cause of the problem in your mod.

3 years ago

AAII issues... yeah...
I'd say "Turn on burner phase, and it'll move Steam Assembling machine to it's own technology", but don't do that, the main reason why it's not turned on by default is because it doesn't work with AAII.
the way his mods are written are very not friendly to any other mods that try and touch the same items his do. However, in this instance, if he is just adding a new technology that is the same of mine, it's not really his fault, I do the same thing (Except for the metal research in bobplates. at the time they also existed in DyTech, so I made changes to be compatible with that).

I'm not sure what I should do about this.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)
«Basically, because AAII loads last, it has the last word on that technology, while with the other configs, bobs assembly has the last word.
This can be solved on either bobs or Earendel's end, the cause is actually that the tech names are identical, and neither of them is checking if it exists before adding/overriding it.
Apart from that, i don't know exactly why that load order is messing up, i mean based on the optional dependencies, and the API's load order documents, aai-industry should be loading BEFORE bobassembly for all conditions :(»

3 years ago

I've been discussing this with Pez of Angel's mods about it on discord.

it seems to be with the specific set of mods, that for some reason the load order changes, which causes the issue.

We've also been discussing possible fixes. It's basically an issue between AAII and Bob's Assembling machines, but we haven't decided on the best solution yet.

1 year, 6 months ago

It might be an issue on AAI Industry side, that only pops up when Angel influences the load order.
AAI adds it's own burner assembler tech, which could end up overwriting this mod's tech since they share a name.

KiwiHawk ☆
9 months ago

Fixed in Bob's 1.2.0

New response