Biter Trails

Biters create a glowing colored trail wherever they go. Very configurable

2 years ago

g Suggestion : Spitter/Biter color

4 months ago

Instead of having everyone be a disco rave, it would be a lot more useful imo to have each biter trail match the biter color/class. As it is now you can't really achieve this via settings, wereas the other trail mods you have released do.

2 months ago

An interesting idea. I really like this actually. It could be a color option maybe? There are plenty of them. I tend to go for darker inverted rainbow trails for biters while I use the opposite for myself and the other trails. Helped me to differentiate FoF, but that was it. No special info available. Having a color setting that shows the rank color based on the enemy type (enemy:spitter:big:blue_trail). This would be a fun feature if possible!

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