Belt brush

by Dimava

Allows drawing properly-directed belts like tiles. Draw belts with a single drag! There is a tutorial in scenarios or watch a video about the belt brush. Maintainers: Dimava and ZwerOxotnik

1 year, 6 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Requires numpad use

2 years ago

I have a 60% keyboard, there is no numpad. Thankfully window's built-in "on screen" keyboard allowed me to get the job done though. Anyway point being, not everyone has a numpad, and most 60% keyboards have things like the navigation keys on the second layer, but not the numpad. that's just gone.

2 years ago

You can change the hotkeys from settings, the one you're looking for is "Larger/Smaller tile building area".

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